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Official USDA 840 Visual Ear Tags

Official USDA 840 Visual Ear Tags

CCK Sells Official USDA 840 Visual Ear Tags

What is an 840 ear tag?
  •  840 tags comply with the requirements of the Animal Disease Traceability and require a Premise ID Number to purchase.
  • Each tag contains 15 digits and will begin with the numbers 840 (the USA country code). The remaining 12 digits on the tag are unique to the individual animal.
  • 840 tags come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors (rectangular shape, round-button shape, etc) and can be visual tags or EID ear tags.
  • Additional information may be printed on the bottom of the tag, such as an additional management number for the animal or the producer’s premises ID number.
Use the filter on the left to find the right 840 tag for your needs.
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