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Label Equipment and Utility Tags

Label Equipment and Utility Tags

CCK sells Equipment Tags and Label Tags

What is it costing you NOT to tag your critical equipment?– 
CCK Tags are an important component of drilling rig safety, serve in asset tracking solutions and shorten the learning curve for identifying crucial equipment parts. Tags warn about hazards, are a critical part of lockout/tagout and remind workers about the importance of always keeping safety first in their thoughts and actions. Tags identify parts and provide information about proper maintenance and operating procedures at the point where that information is most needed.
What you need are tough tags that clearly deliver their message. CCK sells tags that are livestock tested and perform in harsh environments including seawater and scorching sun. Mud and oil are no problem to their resistant material. With a warranty you can depend on and an economical price there is no limit to the management opportunities with these customized label & equipment tags. 
Use the filter on the left to find the right tag for your needs.


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