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Ultra High Frequency UHF Numbered 1 Side Strip Tag With Button


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Regular price $2.25

Color: Yellow

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Y-Tex Ultra High Frequency UHF Strip Tag With Button

Sold by Y-Tex, Fort Supply Technologies Ultra High Frequency (UHF) tags are the best performing UHF tags on the market for electronic scanning and visual reading with a read range up to 50 feet.

Each tag has a unique 15-digit number with a 900 prefix.

UHF tags are compliant with the USDA 2016 Interim standard for programming UHF tags used for livestock. They are also compliant with applicable ISO standards.


100% PURELASER™ permanent imprinting provides a dark laser mark that’s guaranteed readable for the life of the animal. All laser imprint is a dark charcoal gray that lasts the life of the tag.


Height: 3.75"

Width: 1"


UHF Strip tags come in bright primary shades that provide good contrast to imprinting. Available in fade resistant colors:
White, Yellow


These UHF EID tags are passive Gen2 tags that are specifically designed for tracking livestock, especially cattle. They enable producers to track and monitor individual animal feeding locations, vaccination and health history, and other valuable information.

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