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L&H Freeze Branding Iron - 4 Custom Characters


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Regular price $227.50


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L&H Freeze Branding Iron - Brass

L&H Freeze branding irons are made of solid brass to permanently identify livestock by applying extreme cold to the animal's skin. The iron is chilled with liquid nitrogen or dry ice to a temperature of -50 to -100 degrees Celsius, then applied to the animal for 10 to 60 seconds. The cold kills hair follicles, causing the hair to grow back white or light-colored in the shape of the brand.


L & H makes the most complete line of brass freeze branders available in 3/8" or 9/16" face widths.


For the purpose of ordering, size is determined by the height of the main character. Standard sizes range from 1" to 6" in height.


Livestock and Horses

Please note that the material used in L&H freeze branders is not designed to withstand the heat required to "HOT" brand an animal.

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